Shore 2dex

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shore 2dex implements range-indexed queries for tab-delimited text files.

Command line options

Usage: shore 2dex [OPTIONS] [TEXT_FILES]

-i, --infiles=<arg[,...]> A comma-separated list of tab-delimited plain-text input files (can also be any shore directory when -f MAPLIST is set)
Format Options
-f, --format=<arg> Provide file type for automatic settings, valid file types: MAPLIST, GFF, SAM
-c, --chr-column=<arg> Column w. chromosome or sequence name, provide the column name or @<column_number>
-p, --pos-column=<arg> Column w. start position, provide the column name or @<column_number>
-s, --size-column=<arg> Column w. feature size, provide the column name or @<column_number>
-e, --end-column=<arg> Column w. end position (inclusive), provide the column name or @<column_number>
-x, --xend-column=<arg> Column w. end position (exclusive), provide the column name or @<column_number>
-C, --commentchar=<arg> Comment line symbol
Index Options
-B, --blocksize=<arg> (Default: 131072) Block size determining the index resolution in bytes
-G, --maxgap=<arg> (Default: 131072) Maximum sequence gap in a block
Query Options
-q, --query=<arg> A range to query; prints all overlapping records. Valid ranges: 'SEQ:POS~SIZE', 'SEQ:POS..END', 'SEQ1:POS..SEQ2:END', 'SEQ:POS...XEND', 'SEQ1:POS...SEQ2:XEND' (END: inclusive, XEND: exclusive)
-v, --verbose Be more verbose
-Q, --quiet Be less verbose